Welcome to the Benders!
Theodor Bender and his wife Christina are passionate farmers. For many smaller farms, it’s no longer possible to do it as a full-time-job. Due to big investments in new technologies and other costs that comes with it, so many smaller farmers eventually close their businesses, because it’s no longer profitable. Or they do it like the Benders: Farming as a side business. Of course, the whole strucural change also goes hand in hand with monotonous agriculture: grain, corn, rapeseed, etc. In order to bring in more organic diversity into their fields, the Benders try to push other cultures. Especially the project „Franconian Blue Poppy“ is dear to their heart. Insects, especially bumblebees and bees are thankful for the variets and were very busy on the pink fields throughout the summer. You are interested in franconian poppy? Don’t hesitate to contact us und we will provide you with all the information you need.