Standard quality
- Hemp seeds natural
- Hemp seeds hulled
- Hemp flour
- Hemp protein powder
All products are available in conventional and biological quality

The annual plant can grow up to 4 meters high within a few months. After about 4 months, the nut fruits, known as hemp seeds, have developed and are ready to be harvested. The seeds are 3-4 millimeters in size, round and brown to green-gray in color.

Origin and harvest
According to current assumptions, hemp originated from Central Asia. For thousands of years it has become more and more widespread through human intervention, so its natural origin can no longer be precisely determined. Today hemp is found almost worldwide in the temperate to tropical zones. Our hemp comes – depending on the customer’s wishes – from Europe (Austria, the Netherlands, etc.) or China.
One seed, wide variation
Hemp seeds
The cleaned seeds are dried and not processed further, so the fibre contained in the shell is retained.
Hulled hemp seeds
The thin shell is removed so that only the protein and fat-rich core remains and the nutty aroma of the seed comes out even more.
Hemp flour
For the hemp flour, the hemp seeds are freed from their shell, partially de-oiled by an oil press and then ground to a fine flour. With its fine, nutty taste, it is ideal for refining dishes or for baking. Here, up to 10% of the amount of flour can be replaced by the hemp flour.
Hemp protein powder
For the protein powder, the peeled hemp seeds are gently partially deoiled and then ground to a fine powder. In contrast to hemp flour, it consists of 50% protein and is therefore ideal as a substitute for animal protein powder. It also contains, for example, fibre and magnesium. The hemp protein powder can be used to prepare protein drinks, energy balls, breakfast bowls or muesli bars

History and benefit
Hemp is one of the oldest useful plants of mankind and has unjustly fallen into disrepute in the past few decades. The versatile plant can be completely processed. For example, the hemp seeds are processed in the feed and food industry, while the hemp fibers are used to make ropes, paper, fabrics and bedding.
Nicht nur wegen ihres dezent nussigen Geschmacks gewinnen die Hanfsamen immer mehr an Beliebtheit. Sie enthalten viele Nähr- und Vitalstoffe, wie beispielsweise Zink, Magnesium, Calcium, Eisen, Vitamin E sowie B-Vitamine, wichtige Omega 3 und Omega 6 Fettsäuren. Außerdem sind sie reich an Protein und Antioxidantien.
Not only because of their subtle nutty taste, the hemp seeds are becoming more and more popular. They contain many nutrients and vital substances, such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamin E and B, important omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Plus, they’re high in protein and antioxidants.
That is why not only is the hemp oil a real “superfood”, but the seeds themselves contain to this category.