The Company – Who we are…

Back in 1899, Johann Braun, the great-great-grandfather of Günther Braun, founded a bakery in Schillingsfürst in Middle Franconia/Bavaria. The bakery was then run by master bakers as a family business for another three generations for 110 years. In the 5th generation, master baker and business economist Günther Braun decided to give up the bakery and start a wholesale business for seeds. This resulted in GB-Foods GmbH based in Schillingsfürst.
Through years of experience in various craft and industrial bakeries, we know what matters in terms of raw seeds and therefore offer a wide range of bakery and specialty seeds as well as nutritional supplements in organic and conventional quality.
In addition to wholesaling and retailing, we also serves industrial and craft bakers as well as oil mills in Germany and throughout Europe. From self-cultivation and direct import, laboratory testing to cleaning, germ reduction, mixing or packaging: we offer the right solution for your very special requirements!
Philosopy – What we do…
When it comes to our seeds, we don’t make any compromises – because food is trusted goods! As a retailer of baked and special seeds, we are aware of our great responsibility, so only flawless goods leave our house. For our customers, we are constantly developing our product range and range of services.
We do not only look at the markets as target groups, for us the markets are people. As a family business, we personal contact is very important to us – both with our clients and with our business partners and producers in the producer countries. We believe that trust and years of business relationships can only succed this way.
Direct Importing
In order to be able to guarantuee the high and constant quality of our products, we source our seeds directly from the producers in the respective countries of origins without any detours.
Their expertise and many years of experience in cultivation and processing have a high priority for us. By close personal contact experience, know-how and the requirements placed on our products are regularly exchanged.
Also when transporting, we always pay attention to the observance of professional conditions.
Team / Employees

Günther Braun
Executive Director
Günther Braun founded the family business in 2015 and coordinates the various areas around the company. He is also the father of 3 small children who “help out” in the office from time to time.

Stella Braun
Woman for everything
As a wife, she has supported her husband in a wide variety of tasks from the very beginning. In 2017, she joined us full time and primarily looks after the internal processes as well as the online presence of the company and the onlineshop.

Sylvana Rodrigues
Sales department
Sylvana started with us in the e-commerce department. Due to staff shortages, she moved to the sales team in 2022 and has been an integral part of the team ever since. She mainly looks after our English-speaking customers.
Tel.: +49 (0) 9868 934-2074

Dimitrij Bugajow
Sales department
Since May 2021, Dimitrij has been working for us in sales and enriches our team with his friendly and open manner. Due to his excellent knowledge of Russian, he mainly serves our Eastern European customers.
Tel.: +49 (0) 9868 934-2075

Sanida Muslic Kadric
Quality Management
Also in May 2021, Sanida started with us in quality assurance. Although she has only been living in Germany for a few years, she has a very good command of the language and is a great support for us with her conscientiousness and diligence!
Tel.: +49 (0) 9868 9342084

Daniela Guggenberger-Schmidt
Backoffice QM
Since August 2022, Daniela has been supporting our sales staff and Sanida in quality assurance. She fights her way through laboratory findings, analyses and specifications and thus acts as an interface between sales and QA so that customers finally receive the correct documentation for their goods.
Tel.: +49 (0) 9868 9342084

Roswitha Braun
As the mother of the Günther Braun, she has enriched us with her knowledge and experience from day one. She has been fully employed with us since 2019. “Rosi” does the bookkeeping and coordinates the orders for “Abgefüllt in Bayern”.

Heinz Braun
Logistic Manager
Heinz Braun also was a part from the company from the start. As a logistic manager, he always keeps an overview and is always at our side with his experience as a master baker. He always comes up with new things for the little ones so that a morning at the company doesn’t get boring.

Nico Humorean
Warehouse and Packaging
Nico had already been with us for some time in 2021 and then unfortunately fell out for a few months. When he was able to start with us again at the beginning of 2022, we were delighted. Because with his friendliness, his diligence and his reliability, he has made himself very popular and indispensable in our team.

Larissa Martens
Production employee
Stella Braun’s mother also helps out in the family business. Busy as a bee, she buzzes around in production and provides us with translation assistance for our Ukrainian employees with her knowledge of Russian.

Benoit Bonjour
Officially, Benoit is not considered an employee (anymore). A few years ago he did an internship of several weeks with us through a French exchange project. Since then we have been in contact and Benoit helps us with the French translation of specifications and our homepage.

Viktoriia Dovzhenko und Marijana Kutscheruk
Production employee
At the end of April our Ukrainians started their work with us: Vikaa and Marijana. The communication runs with hands and feet or with Russian translation, but we are glad about this support and the joy that these two women bring.

You can identify with our work and our team? Your skills can be an important addition to our company? Then send us an unsolicited application now! Whether marketing, sales, warehousing or accounting!It is best to send your application documents in paperless form by email to
Wir suchen...
Sales representative (m/f/d) in the office
main focus on baking ingredients distributions, bakery supplier and bakeries.
Please send your application to